Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seed Idea Development

This week we had to pick out a seed idea and discuss our ideas for it with our partners.  I picked a seed idea, but I'm still not sure if it will be the work that I want to publish at the end of the semester.  I think it has potential to be good, but it is just going to take a lot of time to develop a piece worth publishing.  However, I'm still excited to see the end product.

This week we also looked at photographs and how they can be used to examine and teacher about community social issues common in the student's lives.  But along with that, I think it also lends itself to the exploration of stereotypes because one needs to have some knowledge of what a situation looks like in order to begin to understand what the picture may be suggesting or showing the audience.

The digital story The Wrinkled Heart was an excellent way to present the lesson that the teacher shared with her students because it allowed for us to see the visual, which is what made the activity so powerful to begin with.  It really showed how the little comments are the things that slowly creep up on people and wear on their hearts, often going unnoticed until it's too late.  And that even the apologies do not make everything better because the scar still remains.

This week in field experience, we had to make up raps about what happened in our classrooms.  It was something different that got the class laughing.  It was a fun activity to end the day with.


  1. Your comment about stereotypes is so important. This would be an excellent way to open up this discussion in the classroom.

  2. I really enjoyed doing the rap as well even though mine wasn't the best. Also, I have really gotten into writing poetry since the rap in our M301 and thankful poem in M340.....i am trying to get my creative juices flowing.
