Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Failed Attempt

This past week I attempted to do an interview with my Kid Watching Kid on his interest and thoughts over reading and writing.  He is a second grader that comes to the ENL classroom for forty minutes a day.  I've been working with him and another 2nd grader in a small group since the first day of our practicum.  Prior to last week he had been quite reserved, and frequently ignoring questions when asked by me.  But last week he made attempts to converse with me and asked me for helping spelling words he did not know.  Since his first language is not English, and he has only been at University for less than a year, I figured his English was not that great.  My thoughts were confirmed, so I thought, by his little attempts to communicate with me.  But despite all this I attempted to perform the interview, only to meet a wall that I did not have the skill to climb.  The majority of the questions I attempted to ask he did not have the English necessary to understand or respond.  So we began a clumsy dance of communication that showed both our two left feet.  It was a slight discouragement to not be able to get any answers to my questions really.  And the ones I did get I he mostly just responded affirmative when I reworded the question or asked specific questions.  But after talking with Carmen I was reassured that we could work around this, and that she would help me modify or complete throw out some questions.  But what is most intriguing, is that he is a good writer for his age and English proficiency, even his spelling is right on if not close to the actual spelling of words appropriate for his grade.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting- I'm glad you had Carmen to help!
