Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gallery Walk-MGRP Presentations

This week we had a gallery walk style presentation of our MGRP topic and artifacts.  We even had snacks to set a casual, laid back mood in the room.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to see the variety of topics people decided to research.  One that seriously intrigued me was Jordan's presentation on Kendra Wilkenson.  She was very knowledgeable on her research topic, and had lots of interesting facts to share about Kendra's life.  She even satisfied some of my curiosity surrounding life at the Play Boy mansion.  And what was even better was that Maia, stationed next to Jordan, was presenting over Hugh Hefner.  So from her presentation I got to see another side of Hefner that is often overlooked.  Even learning that he had kids, two in their fifties and two about our ages.  But what was really nice about the opportunity to see the different presentations was the opportunity to get to know my classmates better.  From walking around and observing I got to learn what was important to or interested my fellow classmates, something that I would not normally find out because of my reserved and quiet nature.  I feel like this would be something that would benefit a class when they are in the process of building a community because of the insight one gains into classmates interest, although probably not a project suited for the beginning of the school year.

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