Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 2

The whole purpose behind the first few chapters of About the Authors is kind of counter intuitive to our normal thinking.  Why in the world would we have students writing books, such an apparently daunting task, before they can even write?  The answer, because writing is both a noun and a verb, and the first definition of the word write in the verb sense is to "form (as characters or symbols) on a surface with an instrument" (49).  In this sense, from a very young age most children are capable of writing when given the opportunity.  But the book also stressed that when we want our students to really become fluent writers they need daily opportunities to practise and engage in the art of writing, the process of it all.  Once we begin allowing them to explore the writing process, they learn to look at things from a writer's perspective, seeing the technique behind pieces of work and how they can apply that to their own writing.  They begin thinking like a writer and are allowed to practice doing so in a safe place free of ridicule, without being told that they are insufficient in the skills necessary, but allowed to develop at their own pace with guided writing instruction incorporated throughout the entire day.

The only issue that I have yet to seen addressed in the book, is how to go about evaluating the process in ways that so many desire, grades.  I do not feel that we should be grading the picturebooks created during writer's workshop if we are truly to allow the students to explore and experiment without the risk of assumed failure.  However, I really like the idea of allowing students to engage in the process of creating something thing, I feel, like the authors stress continually, that presenting the writing as something they make, is what gets children so highly involved in the whole process.  Even if we are not completely comfortable with the setup of this writing workshop, I feel that at least some valuable components can be incorporated in a comfortable way that suits each individual teaching style.

And just as a side thought, I am excited for our placements tomorrow.  Although not excited about having to meet up at 8 in the morning for a group meeting. 

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