Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First week of Class.

The first class readings from The House on Mango Street and Never in a Hurry I felt were great ways to start off the first class.  It was a different way of getting students to introduce themselves by discussing the history and meaning behind their names to others around them.  However, I still have to look up the meaning to my name since I could not remember it, although I have looked it up multiple times in the past.  I am so excited about the writer's notebook being an assignment.  In the past I have kept writer's notebooks without consistency and without knowing that that's what I was doing.  In my past journals I have pasted petals and notes, put poems and writing assignments I liked and wanted to remember in there.  Also I have put down my daily happenings and emotions, pasted tickets and kept list of things I wanted to see.  I have always enjoyed rereading my journals and traveling back in time to when I first wrote or put something in.  Remindind me of events that had gotten pushed back into the dark recesses of my memory.  After reading Fletcher book I have some new ideas that seem like they will be advantageous to record, such as conversations and weird or new sayings I hear, as well as things that I would like to remember professionally.

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