Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Multi-Genre Research Paper

This week in class we focused on our major assignment coming up, our multi-genre research paper.  I had a semi solid idea of what I wanted to do it over, the book After Tupac and D Foster.  I had already started creating a list of possible artifacts and where I wanted them to go, how they would be an extension of the book and characters.  I had even begun creating some rough drafts of the artifacts.  But I was struggling to decide what aspect of the book I would focus on and was concerned with my ability to find resources and the availability of resources over topics in the book.  But we did a class activity that helped me pick the topic I wanted to do.  Yet even after the question writing and exploration, when I began researching my topic took a slightly different perspective than I had initially thought.  And although still underdeveloped I believe it will result in a better paper and connectedness to the book than where I had initially been thinking of taking the two.

This week in our practicum hours I was able to stay a little over time in the class I observe to see the first graders and kindergartners.  Like with the other grades the other girls and I were paired off with one or two students to assist them individually.  In this class there were two first grade girls who were recent immigrants from Korea, and seeing as we had a future teacher who spoke Korean our teacher took advantage of her presence and paired her with the two girls.  Their facial expression was priceless when they realized that their helper was Korean.  The little boy, who also happened to be Korean, was quite jealous of this fact.  And frequently pointed out that the two girls had a Korean teacher.  When I asked if he wished he had a Korean teacher he said yes.  Younger children are so entertaining.  The boy I worked with was quite the character, as I had been warned previously, but he has very intelligent and witty also.  I wish we were able to stay and help with the first/kindergartners every week.  That would be a really treat.

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