Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final E339 Blog

So the time has come for us to depart.  Well almost anyways.  This whole language arts cluster has been a journey, especially with the added X460 class (another literature class).  Language arts is not my strong point, so there have been some days this semester where I have been completely overwhelmed by assignments and wanted to quit, I still cannot wait for the day its all over.  But I feel that I have learned tons of material that will better help me make educated decisions on what to do in my classroom, although I still have a lot to learn.  Our practicum hours have definitely helped me see how the practices we read about look when implemented in the classroom, and is an extremely valuable part of the cluster.
I am sad however, that our time with the students have come to an end.  You get so used to working with them and seeing their struggles and accomplishments you get kind of attached to them, at least I did.  One of the students I have been working with all semester finally warmed up to me and started talking more just a few weeks ago.  I feel horrible for having to say goodbye just after he finally started to feel comfortable with me.  But all good things must come to an end eventually, and I am excited to begin working with another group of students next semester.
BUT, one thing I am looking forward to on the last day of E339 is the presentations of everyone's finished piece.  If like me they have put countless hours into it, I'm sure they will all be great and interesting.  I am excited to see what topics everyone did and how they decided to publish them.  I have even decided to give my finished piece as a Christmas gift.  I figured if I'm going to put all this time into it I might as well use it.  But I know when the time comes to parting with it, it's going to be a little hard because it has become my baby, my masterpiece in the making because of all the time I have dedicated to it's production.  But I also believe that the receiver will love it, so that makes it a little easier.  Although, I will still take pictures to be able to share with my future class so they can see what I did for a published piece when it comes time for them to publish one of their own.